Homemade Mincemeat

  Homemade Mincemeat   Mincemeat has an impressive shelf life, but more to the point it will positively improve with keeping. I’m not one of those to buy up next years crackers in the January sales; but I am fed up of being smacked on the bonce with half...

Onion Jam

Onion Jam   This is sometimes referred to as ‘onion marmalade’ but I think jam is a more accurate description, and it’s the perfect partner to cheese, sausages and left-over stuffing.  The onions are first caramelised in butter, before simmering in a syrup of red...

Pickled Mushrooms

Pickled Mushrooms These mushrooms are the sort that turn up with the antipasto; sold in Italian delis and hidden away in hampers…and then hidden away at the back of the cupboard for the next decade most likely. Still, the jar will no doubt come in handy. I use them...


When was the last time you bought a decent jar of Piccalilli?…no?… well that’s because you can’t –  which is ironic given that a: it’s ludicrously easy and b: it’s a national treasure. A proper homemade piccalilli is a superior being. It pairs with...

Quick Cauliflower Pickle

  In the same way that I sometimes (read needlessly) create a whole dish around one single ingredient, I’m of the opinion that I’m not alone; it’s a known fact people actually choose this dish from the menu because of this little pickle. It accompanies a fish...

Lemon Curd Syllabub

I’ve been motivated to whip up a batch of lemon curd, not because the breakfast table is lacking but because it makes a jolly good standby for impromptu desserts, you know the sort, the ones that start after dinner with ‘have we got any chocolate’? Ice cream,...